Objects of a device are presented in a clearly arranged object browser. Access to each object – according to the access rights – is given for reading and writing. The CANopen DeviceExplorer supports all SDO services. Values of the objects can be displayed decimal, hexadecimal, binary or in ASCII format, depending on the data type. Large data, like domain blocks, can be read directly from – or written to files.
The CANopen DeviceExplorer supports the simple configuration of the the PDO mapping by drag&drop function. PDOs can be sent, received and viasualized with a single click. The SYNC message for sending of cycle PDOs can be sent once or cyclic for the purpose of tests or diagnosis.
Due to the scripting capability of the CANopen DeviceExplorer it is possible to adjust the surface and masks of the tool to customer specific needs. So it is possible to include a mask for service use with the optional Srcipting PlugIn.
Following PlugIns are available:
– Script PlugIn
– LSS Master PlugIn
– CANopen Interpreter PlugIn
– EnergyBus PlugIn
– Process DataLinker to configure the PDO linking.
If wished emotas can create PlugIns according to the customer’s requirements.